Saturday, January 07, 2012

Hot Heels.

Le scarpe diventano sempre più alte e solide, mentre il tacco a spillo sparisce dalla scena.
Scarpe come carri armati, ornate da stringhe o dettagli dorati.

Shoes are becoming more and more high and solid, while spike heels are disappearing from the scene.
Shoes like tanks, embellished with strings or goldish details.

 Si punta tutto sul total black, e indossare tacchi non è mai stato così comodo: scarpe con plateau, stivaletti e zeppe sono fantastici sia indossati con pantaloni e camicia sia con collant e vestiti.
Questi tacchi, visti sulle strade durante tutte le ultime fashion weeks, dicono "addio" alla ragazza bon ton e "benvenuta" a quella glam rock.

 Total black is the way and wearing heels has never been so comfortable: high platforms, heeled boots and wedges are as beautiful worn with trousers and shirts as they are with tights and dresses.
These heels, seen on the streets during all the latest fashion weeks, say "goodbye" to the bon ton girl and "hello" to the glam rock one.

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